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The Perfect Espresso (AeroPress Inverted Method)

Espresso made with the inverted chamber. This method expels more of the oils in the grinds, which contain ample flavor for a full-bodied, clear espresso.

Servings 2 shots


  • 16 grams coffee, finely ground
  • 200 millileters water


  1. With this method you leave the filter screwed off at this point and instead insert the plunger into the chamber up to mark 4. Now turn it over so the bottom of the AeroPress where the filter would screw on is facing upwards.
  2. Now add the desired amount of grinds into the chamber.
  3. Pour in the water, 176ºF, up to the correct marking, so for a double espresso you would now pour up to mark 2. (Since it’s upside down with the plunger at mark 4.)

  4. Take the paddle and stir coffee around to fully infuse.

  5. Add a pre-soaked paper filter to the filter compartment and screw on top tight.

  6. With your mug ready, turn the AeroPress over, give it a whirl.

  7. Place onto the mug and begin extracting your coffee by pushing down on the the plunger. Push down all the way through the bubbles and listening for the final hiss. This is the last bit of water pushing through.

  8. Unscrew the basket head and throw away grounds. You may recycle the filter 2 or three times by rinsing off the grounds. 

  9. Enjoy a clean cup of perfect espresso!