The Perfect Espresso (AeroPress Inverted Method)

So you ask, “What is this contraption?”  It looks like it belongs more in a mad scientist’s lab than in an everyday kitchen, right? This nerdy little apparatus is your alternative to all those over-priced espressos at the local coffee shop or even the new-high-fangled, high-priced espresso machines. I got your back. As long as … [Read more…]

Carrot Cake Smoothie

Today was the ice storm of the century. Call me crazy, but all that ice got me in the mood for a frozen smoothie. Maybe I’m subconsciously thinking spring because this smoothie contains all the flavors of a classic carrot cake: fresh carrots, Greek yogurt, yummy pineapple, and of course some carrot cake spices. There’s … [Read more…]

Creamy Hot Cocoa

We’re getting the one-two-punch of winter on the east coast: the cold, freezing temps and then the snow. When life gives you snow, stay in, bundle up and enjoy this deliciously rich and creamy stove-top cocoa. It makes winter sooo much more bearable!  You know how some things take you right back to the good … [Read more…]

Maple Vanilla Latte

What better way to start off the day than with a delicious homemade Maple Vanilla Latte. My barista techniques are very amateur (to say the least). However, this recipe rocks! It’s EASY, no need to make any special syrup, because you have your syrup (maple syrup). 🙂  Yes, it’s very easy to make your own … [Read more…]

Old-Fashioned Lemonade

Sometimes I think homemade lemonade is a dying art.  There are so many options for lemonade on the market today…powdered mixes, frozen concoctions and the refrigerated bottles.  And then you have the different flavor and color options, but I’m on a mission to bring back good, old-fashioned lemonade.  You know what I’m talking about, the sweet,  slightly tart and … [Read more…]