The Perfect Espresso (AeroPress Inverted Method)

So you ask, “What is this contraption?”  It looks like it belongs more in a mad scientist’s lab than in an everyday kitchen, right? This nerdy little apparatus is your alternative to all those over-priced espressos at the local coffee shop or even the new-high-fangled, high-priced espresso machines. I got your back. As long as … [Read more…]

Baked Chicken Nuggets

Last night’s dinner conversation topic was: “What’s your favorite kids movie?” Without hesitation, I quickly rattled off, “Toy Story”. Some of the other titles that got the thumbs-up were Madagascar, Up, Iron Giant, Frozen (my vote again!), WALL-E, Despicable Me and Finding Nemo.  When a kids movie succeeds, it usually targets young and old alike and … [Read more…]

Skinny Potato Soup (Instant Pot or Slow Cooker)

Potatoes are definitely a staple around our house.  When I pass the potatoes at the grocery store, they automatically go straight into the cart. That auto-pilot maneuver, somehow got me about 25 pounds of potatoes. Yikes!! What am I going to do with all of those potatoes?  Potato Soup, of course, and not just any  … [Read more…]

Carrot Cake Smoothie

Today was the ice storm of the century. Call me crazy, but all that ice got me in the mood for a frozen smoothie. Maybe I’m subconsciously thinking spring because this smoothie contains all the flavors of a classic carrot cake: fresh carrots, Greek yogurt, yummy pineapple, and of course some carrot cake spices. There’s … [Read more…]